NANCY FOREST-FLIER has been working as a freelance Dutch-to-English translator and English language editor since 1988. She received her training in English composition at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, in the United States, from which she graduated with honors. She now works principally as a literary translator. Her recent publications include A Philosophy of Madness (Wouter Kusters, MIT Press), Popcorn Bob and Popcorn Bob: Popcorn Spy (Maranke Rinck and Martijn van der Linden, Levine Querido), The King (by Kader Abdolah, published by Canongate in the UK and New Directions in the US); Hex (by Thomas Olde-Heuvelt, Hodder & Stoughton in the UK and Tor / Macmillan in the US); We and Me (by Saskia De Coster, World Editions); Mr. Miller (by Charles den Tex, New Editions); Gliding Flight (by Anne-Gine Goemans, World Editions); Dissident for Life: Alexander Ogorodnikov and the Struggle for Religious Freedom in Russia (by Koenraad De Wolf, Wm. B. Eerdmans); Anne Frank: Dreaming, Thinking, Writing (by Menno Metselaer, Anne Frank House); Who Was Who In and Around the Secret Annexe? (by Aukje Vergeest, Anne Frank House); Departure Time (by Truus Matti, Namelos); The Paintings of Vincent van Gogh in the Collection of the Kröller-Müller Museum and The Drawings of Vincent van Gogh in the Collection of the Kröller-Müller Museum (museum catalogues).
JIM FOREST is the author of numerous books, including Eyes of Compassion: Learning from Thich Nhat Hanh; Writing Straight With Crooked Lines: A Memoir; The Root of War is Fear: Thomas Merton’s Advice to Peacemakers; At Play in the Lions’ Den: a memoir and biography of Daniel Berrigan; Loving Our Enemies: Reflections on the Hardest Commandment; Living With Wisdom: A Biography of Thomas Merton; All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day; The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life; Ladder of the Beatitudes; Confession: Doorway of Forgiveness and Praying with Icons. He is also the author of several children’s books, including Saint George and the Dragon, Saint Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins and Silent as a Stone: Mother Maria of Paris and the Trash Can Rescue. He serves as International Secretary of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. His photographs have been widely published.
They live in Alkmaar, The Netherlands.
They have two blogs:
On Pilgrimage: http://jimandnancyonpilgrimage.blogspot.com/
A Tale of Two Kidneys : http://ataleof2kidneys.blogspot.com/