Thursday, October 13:
fly from Amsterdam to Pittsburgh via Newark
Continental flight 071 13 AMS-EWR dep 0915 arr 1140
transfer to Continental flight 4904 13 EWR-PIT dep 1316 arr 1449
October 14-15: Pittsburgh
For information re the days in Pittsburgh:
Contacts: Molly Rush: 412.398.2163 or Carol Gonzalez: Teacher41 /at /
Friday 14 October:
11:30 to 1: A Meager Meal in the Spirit of Dorothy Day hosted by Carlow University at the St. Agnes Center (3333 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh)
7:30 PM talk “Dorothy Day: All Is Grace” at St George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, 3400 Dawson, Pittsburgh, PA, 1521
Saturday 15 October:
10 AM to 4 PM, Day of Reflection: “Dorothy Day: A Saint for Our Times?”
at Holy Family Nazareth Conference Center, 285 Bellevue Rd., Pittsburgh, near Perrysville (exit off 279N)
Sunday, October 16:
7:35 AM flight to Laguardia: USAir 3134, departure from Pittsburgh at 07:35, arrival Laguardia 08:58
2:30 PM lecture at Maryknoll “A Life of Radical Grace: Dorothy Day”
for details see:
Contact: Colleen Brathwaite (CBrathwaite /at /
Monday, October 17:
drive by rented car from Ossining area to St Bonaventure’s University in Olean, NY
Contact: Barry Gan (BGAN /at /; cell 716-244-8135
Tuesday, October 18:
4 p.m. talk on “Dorothy Day: Saint & Troublemaker” (the Fall Honors Program Lecture) at SBU Thomas Merton Campus Ministry Center
7 p.m. Tuesday, Conversation with Jim Forest at SBU Thomas Merton Campus Ministry Center
Wednesday, October 19:
9:30 and 10:30 — speak about my post-war Vietnam experiences and nonviolence in general with two of Barry Gan’s classes
4 p.m. talk (Vietnam After the War: Seeing What You Don’t Want to See) at SBU Thomas Merton Campus Ministry Center
Thursday, October 20:
morning departure, driving the rented car back to Ossining from Olean, then take the train to Manhattan
7:30 PM talk — “Love in Action: The Challenging Life of Dorothy Day” — at St Mary’s Episcopal Church, 521 West 126th Street
sponsor: Emmaus House: 160 W. 120th St.; phone 212-749-9404; e-mail: emmausharlem /at / ; web:
Contact: Julia Demaree (juliademaree /at /
stay that night at Emmaus House
Friday, October 21:
train from Manhattan to Baltimore, staying the next few days with Alex & Elaine Patico in Columbia, Maryland
Saturday, October 22:
9 AM to 4 PM, day-long retreat: “All is Grace: The Revolutionary Life of Dorothy Day” at Bon Secours Spiritual Center Marriottsville, in Maryland (1525 Marriottsville Rd., Marriotsville, MD 21104; tel: 410: 442-3142
Contact: Lynn Lieberman (Lynn_Lieberman /at /
dinner that evening at the Patico home, staying that night with the Dykhorsts in DC
Sunday, October 23:
4 PM talk — talk (“Dorothy Day: A Saint for Our Time?”) at Catholic University, Washington, DC
Hannon Hall, room 108
Redline Metro: Brookland stop
For campus map, see D11:
sponsor: Crossroads Cultural Center
more information:
contact: Suzanne Tanzi (suzannetanzi /at /
Monday, October 24:
6:30 PM talk on Dorothy Day at
Viva House (26 South Mount St., Baltimore, MD 21223; tel 410-2330488)
contact: Brendan Walsh & Willa Bickham (vivacatholicworker /at /
Tuesday, October 25:
train from Baltimore to Newark and from there to Red Bank, New Jersey — family visit with Ben & Amy and the grandchildren
Friday, 28 October:
7:30 PM talk: “I Never Knew What Hit Me: Memories of Dorothy Day” at Maryhouse Catholic Worker, East Third Street, New York City
Sunday, 30 October – Monday 31 October (4th anniversary of the kidney transplant!):
night flight from Newark to Amsterdam – Continental flight 070 EWR-AMS dep 1821 arr next day 0705
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